Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Get information fast on Mobile

Deeplink from any mobile app to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Mobile Client Application (MoCA)

You get an e-mail with a notification and need to make some actions in your Dynamics CRM Mobile Client for Tablets or Mobile Phone.
Now - using this construct you can place link in e-mails or from push notifications to open a specific record from within Microsoft Dynamics 365.
The construct of the link is:

Where pagetype could be entity, dashboard, view or create
ent is the entitymetadat logical name
and id is the unique identifier for the pagetype parameter.

Example for an account is:   

You can test it on your laptop if you have MoCA installed. Simple run the command (windows+R) in the example above.

Read more here.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Telemetri: Monitor how and where MD CRM is used in the organization


User adoption and optimization of your CRM deployment is vital for success. It is an on going process and requires insight in the users behavior in the system.

Using Microsoft Azure to collect and monitor these data, makes it possible for CRM owners, business analysts to make decisions based on trends and facts rather than guts feelings.

See the detailed walk through guide here.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Microsoft Flow

Flow is all about personal workflows. Workflows that start off in one application or service and live its life through a number of other applications, with criteria's, dependencies and constraints - Just to let a certain task or structured procedure flow more easily.

Try it out at flow.microsoft.com

You will find standard connectors for a number of application and services. Also Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Let it flow, let flow .... And achieve more.

MD CRM Partner ready material Spring release 2016

Training material is ready for this new spring release

The spring release of Microsoft Dynamics CRM is here. As a Microsoft Partner you can find all relevant information here.

The detailed list of new and enhanced features is found public available here.
And you can get an overview by watching this video.

Have fun and achieve more.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Preview of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Developer Toolkit for 2016 in preview

Now it is in previewIt is almost back
And it is working in the preview function

The developer Toolkit has been in preview via the Connect program.
And it is working like a charm.
Sign in to connect and get the latest build - And start building fast again.

Feature list:

Windows Mobile Templates - Wauuww... Processes, debugging....
Yet to come is the new component and patch deployments.

Happy building....

Friday, January 15, 2016

MSD CRM 2016 - Entity relationship diagram: Where did it go?

In the SDK you will find a Metadata Diagram Generator. SDK\SampleCode\CS\Metadata\Diagram\MetadataDiagram.sln

  1. Download the SDK for 2016 here.
  2. From Visual Studio 2015 open the solution file MetadataDiagram.sln.
  3. Go to the configuration of the project for MetadataDiagram 
  4. Right click on the MetadataDiagramConsole in the Solution Explorer and select Properties.  Click on the Debug section of the properties dialog.  Enter: “account contact” into the Command Line Arguments textbox to have the application draw only the account and contact entities.
  5. Run the project in debug state (F5) or build it and execute it from the debug\bin folder of the solution folder.
  6. Enter the server url and creds
  7. Find the generated VSDX file in solution folder
Happy Research!