If you experience unacceptable long duration for provisioning of new instances on demobuilder, or if you are logged in to the instance in CRM Online before you have received any messages from Demobuilder and you are only able to see Services and Settings areas, please follow this procedure:
- Follow the wizard from demobuilder.cloudapp.net for any demo template you wish to deploy
- Monitor the provisioning from history pae in demobuilder
- If status is "Provisioning CRM" or similar message for more than 4 hours
- log in to portal.offices.com logged ind with the prefix for the organization you are deploying, admin@YOURORG.onmicrosoft.com
- in same browser session, enter this url in the address bar: https://port.crm.dynamics.com/G/Setup/Index.aspx
- select the settings for you new deployment
- monitor the status of your demo history and when status is "Finished" your instance is available wth all the correct settings
Then you should be good to go........