Tuesday, August 30, 2011

CRM 2011: export to excel limitation

When exporting records from and advanced fin in CRM 2011 online you Will find that thèrese is a limitation of 10000 records.
Workaround is to save The advanced find, create a new report using The report wizard, based ón The saved find.
Them run The report and export The result to excel.

That's it!


  1. ...but what if one wants this as a Dynamics Pivot Table or Worksheet??

    1. For CRM Online, there is not much you can do. Though it has reasently been increased to 20000 entities.
      On Premise you can hack the setting for the application to retrieve as much as you want. Now - deending on the ressources assigned to sql server and number of users, you might not want to do this. It does have an impact on performance.
      For On Premise see here how to configure it.....:
      In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, you can change the maximum number of records by changing a database value.

      Follow the steps below to make the change at the database level in CRM 4.0

      Open SQL Mangement Studio
      Use the _MSCRM database
      Open the OrganizationBase table
      Locate the column – MaxRecordsForExportToExcel
      Change the value to the new value

      From: http://www.powerobjects.com/blog/2010/03/29/increase-the-maximum-records-exported-to-excel/

  2. Check the solution using SDK, http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/sv-SE/crmdeployment/thread/22c06aa4-52ae-4247-8cb3-23d1471bf608
